Hey! I've got lots of time on my hands while waiting for calls, so what better way to spend it than editting my web site? Anyway, this page should be better than the last two, even if it's not perfect. So why do I have all this spare time? Because I'm that person YOU will never have to call since you're obviously cruising the web just fine, the Internet Tech Support person. And since I work the GRAVEYARD shift, there ain't that many lost souls calling the 800 number in the wee hours of the morning.
Anyway, you may be wondering how my alter-ego, Virginia Gudgel, a holder of a BA in Psychology, and the single parent of two teens, Randy and Ginna would come to choose such a handle. It's simple. When she first went online in January of 1995, her first stop was where many first time modemers end up, America Online. Her first attempt at a handle was done without thinking and in caps no less: MOMGUDGEL. Of course, after being in a chat room for a while and having no one talk or respond to her, Virginia decided to pick a handle that was a little more provocative, and having enjoyed the character and the movie "Serialmom", she decided to change to that. Alas, someone else had picked it. Not willing to give up so easily, Virginia decided to add an extra "E" and with that, Seerialmom was born, and she has been all over the Internet ever since. TO SEE WHAT SEERIALMOM LOOKS LIKE IN PERSON: Seerialmom's Picture!
Well, I guess you should know a little bit about Seerialmom's favorite places, shouldn't you? You're in luck because a list of links has been added of places Seerialmom goes to when she's cruising Da Web. Have fun!
Home of the Virtual Software Library
Seerialmom's "Non-Techie" Website!
Ten Commandments Of PC
Click Here To See A
Really Fun Site!
Okay, now here comes the real fun part, Virginia said you should know that she's a total brainiac about some things, like how to get MONEY for school and also how to INSTALL MODEMS and INTERNET STUFF, so she figured now would be a good time to suggest writing to her if you wanted info on either of those things. Of course, I'll be sure to forward them to her if you send an email with your name and phone number or questions to the following : seerialmom@yahoo.com Thanks for coming, and hope to see you again real soon!
Best experienced
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